Amazon Seller Glossary – Updated 2021

As a new Amazon seller, the first step towards boosting your sales is understanding the tools available to you. Read our continuously updated glossary for sellers and vendors and tackle the extensive terminology of the world’s largest e-commerce platform.

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Definition (EN)

A+ Content

Premium feature, formerly known as Enhanced Brand Content (EBC), allowing sellers to add enhanced, branded content to a Product Detail Page (PDP)

A10 algorithm

Amazon's search algorithm, determining the organic product ranking in the search engine's result page (SERP)


ACoS, short for Advertising Cost of Sale, is a metric used for measuring the performance of a sponsored products campaign

Amazon Ad Console

Amazon's platform for Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising

Amazon Brand Registry

Program for additional protection of registered trademarks and access to other marketing services on Amazon

Amazon Prime

Paid subscription service offering additional benefits and services to Amazon shoppers

Amazon Seller Central

Amazon's platform for brands, manufacturers and third-party sellers, used for creating product listings, managing orders and viewing analytics

Amazon Stores

Amazon Stores is a feature allowing brand owners to create their own Brand Page, a 'website' within Amazon to showcase their brands and products

Amazon Vendor Central

Amazon's platform for first-party sellers used for managing purchase orders and product data

Amazon Vine

Program inviting trusted reviewers to leave reviews on received free products from participating vendors

Amazon's Choice

Label awarded to products that many Amazon shoppers have purchased and were satisfied with

ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number)

Ten-digit unique identifier for products sold on Amazon

Backend Search Terms

Hidden keywords existing on the backend of an Amazon product listing that can be added to boost organic ranking

Best Seller Ranking (BSR)

Score assigned to products based on sales performance on Amazon

Brand Page

Homepage within Amazon showcasing your brands and products

Buy Box

Feature allowing shoppers to make a quicker purchase, awarded by Amazon to sellers based on price, availability, and sales performance

Demand-Side Platform (DSP)

Advertising Platform used for buying display, audio and video ads, both on and off Amazon

Early Reviewer Program

Program offering a gift voucher to shoppers who have purchased a new product on Amazon in return for a review of the product

Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA)

Shipping option where the entire fulfilment process is managed by Amazon

Fulfilment by Merchant (FBM)

Shipping option where sellers take care of the distribution by themselves

Negative keywords

Keywords irrelevant for your product added to a paid advertising campaign to prevent your ad from appearing in a specific search result

Premium A+ Content

Premium invite-only content feature, similar to basic A+ Content but with additional features and benefits

Seller Fulfilled Prime

Prime program allowing sellers to ship products directly from their own warehouse to domestic Prime shoppers

Sponsored Brands Ads

Keyword or Product based Pay-Per-Click (PPC) ads, appearing above relevant Amazon shopper search results

Sponsored Display Ads

Targeting based ads, appearing both on and off Amazon

Sponsored Products Ads

Keyword or Product based Pay-Per-Click (PPC) ads, appearing on the bottom and right side of search results, as well as on product detail pages

If you are a new seller on the Amazon platform, check out our guide for how to optimise your product postings with Amazon SEO.