
Transcribing interviews for research

Transcription involves making a written record of speech. This can be done during an actual interview or carried out afterwards using an aud...

Transcription rules and types

Transcriptions are used by multiple industries to create permanent records of spoken communications. In this blog post, we’ll look at the ru...

What does a transcriber do?

Transcriptions enable people to read spoken words instead of listening to them. Transcriptions can even be created in multiple languages, wh...

Free voice-over generators: 11 tools reviewed

Discover 11 free voice-over generators to add a professional touch to your content without breaking the bank! Read on to find the right tool...

Six voice-over apps for iPhone & Android

Want to make the most of your multimedia content? Check out these voice-over apps and discover the best app for your needs.

Get your content heard with voice-over software

Give your content a voice people listen to with the latest voice-over software products and services.

10 online voice-over tools in 2023

f you’re looking for an easy way to generate voice-overs without the need for additional software or a professional voice actor, you might w...

How to write a voice-over script in easy steps

If you need to create a high-quality voice-over recording for a presentation or video content, the script you write is just as important as ...

Voice simulators

How to do a voice-over on PowerPoint

In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to do a voice-over on PowerPoint for free.