How to write a voice-over script in easy steps
If you need to create a high-quality voice-over recording for a presentation or video content, the script you write is just as important as ...

How to do a voice-over on PowerPoint
In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to do a voice-over on PowerPoint for free.

How to do a voice-over on Google Slides for free
Presentations are an ideal way to communicate ideas with your audience. Using visuals enhances learning and can improve cognition. Whether y...

What is voice-over? The ultimate guide to giving video content a voice
How to create a voice-over for your video content that gets your message heard and brings your videos to life.

Proofreading – a guide
Proofreading is often a thankless task. It is one of those things people only notice when you’ve done a bad job. After all, no one bothers w...

5 Steps to EU CTR Readiness: Make EU Clinical Trials Regulation Work for Your Organisation
On 31st January 2022, the EU Clinical Trials Regulation (EU CTR) came into play. The first year's transition period concluded on 30th Januar...

Apps and services that translates text in images
The text-to-image apps and services that translate an image to text make it easy to convey your text from an image format. This tool enables...