Lufthansa case study: Content that travels the world

Lufthansa, a prominent player in the aviation industry, embarked on a mission to address critical challenges within its global marketing content strategy. Its aim was to bolster its market position, enhance operational efficiency and foster global customer engagement.


      To achieve these goals, Lufthansa sought the expertise of TransPerfect, the parent company of Semantix. By collaborating with TransPerfect, Lufthansa leveraged the vast resources and specialised knowledge within the TransPerfect family. As part of this family, Semantix can collaborate and share expertise across a wide spectrum of specialist companies.

      Lufthansa: Navigating a global challenge

      Lufthansa’s primary objective was to optimise its content creation and distribution processes to align with its evolving business needs and enhance its brand presence. The airline faced many challenges:

      • Multiple routes: Lufthansa operates an extensive network of routes across the globe. Maintaining an up-to-date, cohesive and localised marketing content strategy for this vast network was a daunting task, requiring a comprehensive solution.
      • Integration with existing systems: Lufthansa needed a solution that could work harmoniously with its existing infrastructure while streamlining content distribution.
      • Time to market: In the fast-paced world of aviation, timely marketing content is crucial. Lufthansa sought to significantly reduce the time required to create, approve and publish marketing materials without compromising quality.
      • Cost: Cost-efficiency was a priority. Lufthansa aimed to find a solution that would optimise resource allocation, reducing unnecessary expenditure while maintaining its competitive edge.
      • Quality: Lufthansa’s brand is synonymous with quality. Any solution implemented had to maintain or enhance the airline’s content quality standards, ensuring consistency and accuracy across all touchpoints.

      A skyward solution

      Central to the strategy for overcoming these challenges was the adoption of the GlobalLink content management system. GlobalLink, an exclusive platform designed to centralise and translate global content, played a pivotal role in revolutionising Lufthansa’s content management approach.

      The GlobalLink system is available through both TransPerfect and Semantix. It was seamlessly integrated with Lufthansa’s existing technology infrastructure to ensure a smooth transition and minimal disruption to ongoing operations. This integration empowered the airline to exercise comprehensive control over a vast array of multilingual content and resources, effectively addressing the diverse needs of its global operations.

      A high-flying outcome

      The implementation of GlobalLink has empowered Lufthansa to enhance its global marketing content strategy, solidifying its position as a leading player in the aviation industry. The outcome transcends basic operational efficiency to deliver a robust, future-proof solution that improves customer engagement and upholds Lufthansa’s commitment to excellence.

      • Streamlined content management processes replaced previous manual methods, resulting in a smooth, efficient workflow.
      • The solution achieved drastic reductions in translation times and faster release of critical information to customers.
      • Easily accessible and rapid-response TransPerfect support ensured quick resolution of queries and seamless operations.
      Lufthansa believes in delivering a superior customer experience and knows that a seamless digital experience and a multilingual content strategy is key to achieve this goal.

      To discover how you can achieve similarly tailored solutions for the challenges faced by your global business, contact Semantix now.

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